My due date has come and gone.  Honestly, I am really ready not to be pregnant anymore.  We have been  eagerly awaiting Jellybean’s arrival since the 23rd.  Every time I wake up during the night I pause and think “am I in pain?” and/or “am I am labor?”.  The answer is always no.  As I’ve mentioned (probably too many times) I am having trouble sleeping.  This morning at 5am I made this little eviction notice. I got a good kick out of it and thought it was perfect for my 40 week recap post.

Baby Eviction Notice | Life's Tidbits

In early November both sides of the immediate family wrote down their predictions for Jellybean’s due date, time and weight.  The idea was the winner gets … bragging rights.  As of today only 3 of us are left in the running to possibly win the D-Day pool prediction.

Here is what everyone’s guesses were:

Nana – 12/13/2013 7:31 pm 7 lbs 11 oz
Papa – 12/24/2013 6:00 am 8 lbs
Auntie Amanda – 12/26/2013 3:27pm 7 lbs 2 oz
Mimi – 12/27/2013 6:20 pm 7 lbs 15 oz
Daddy – 12/27/2013 6:45pm 7 lbs 8 oz
Uncle Nate – 12/28/2013 4:45 am
Auntie Alison – 12/30/2013 12:30:13 am 6 lbs 6 oz
Mommy – 12/30/2013 8pm 7 lbs 9 oz
Grandpa – 1/2/2014 3:00 am 7 lbs 8 oz

Pregnancy Tidbits from Week 40

Cravings – No real cravings, however I am counting down to having a good ‘ole turkey breast sandwich sometime soon after Jelly’s delivery.

Maternity Clothes – Clearly this is still a yes.  I’ve abandoned my maternity jeans and have been wearing leggings or sweatpants exclusively this week.  Lucky for me this attire has been completely acceptable and I’ve only had to put jeans on once.

Symptoms – The carpel tunnel in my hands is pretty bad.  The doctor assures me it will be fine, however I am concerned it won’t go away after the baby comes.  Continued swelling in my hands/feet, congestion and trouble sleeping.

Movement – Lots of it!

Missing Anything? – Tying my own shoes.  Yup I just wrote that!  Though I technically can tie my own sneakers, bending over the belly is highly unconformable.  The pressure or whatever of doing so often makes Jellybean mad and she will move into weird positions after doing so.  I have therefore passed this oh so fabulous task off to my doting husband.  =)

Highlights – Spending some quality time with the hubby.  Though we haven’t done anything productive or “fun” it has been really nice to just hang out and get excited for JB to come.

Looking Forward To…  seeing what Jellybean looks like and {finally} naming her.

Fears/Concerns…  that whole giving birth thing seems a bit scary at the moment.  :)

Labor Signs – Still a big ‘no’ on this.  Every time I feel even a little pain or cramp I am ever so hopeful I’m in labor … unfortunately no such luck.

Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share?  I would love to hear them!


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