It’s Throw Back Thursday!! Fall is officially here, which brings back tons of apple picking memories. I don’t think you can grow up on the east coast, Massachusetts specifically, and not have gone apple picking as a child. I’ve been dying to go apple picking someplace in Virginia, but we have been just too busy the last few weekends. I’m hoping we can squeeze in a trip in the next couple of weekend … but it is certainly not guaranteed.
In the mean time these photos from apple picking with the husband, sister-in-law and brother-in-law will have to surface. The husband and I were in town visiting when we all decided a field trip was in order. Into the car we went and drove out to Applewood Orchards to do some apple picking. Such a fun day!

Husband, what is up with that face?? He is such a goober … makes going through old photos even that much more fun!

And now for my favorite shot of the day. I loved the look of this old tree and the clouds passing by.

And because I had to have a funny face picture of my own …

OK … now I really want to go apple picking. It is fall must do!
A few recipes I want to try out once I actually GO apple picking this year include:
Those recipes look YUMMY!!
Blogs, stores and commercials are all gearing up for the holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas). While I’m not really ready to start thinking about Hanukkah and Christmas, I’m definitely getting excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving!
What’s your fall throw back Thursday memory?

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