And I mean that literally … the wheel on the bus (read party bus) went POP. So which (party) bus, how, when and what exactly happened is the “not so funny then”, but “kind of funny now” type of story. Last summer my amazing maid of honor and bridesmaids planned a super fun bachelorette weekend for me and our friends!! It was weekend packed of fun activities in the DC area.
The weekend started with a roof deck party. Each girl brought a special drink/shot to share with the group. It was our “low key” night in, however it turned into a late night with a very late night round of the game “never have I ever”. Seriously, I don’t think I had played that game since high school, but what a fun thing to do on my last weekend as a single lady!
The next day we woke up and got ready for our party bus to arrive! The ladies and I were headed to the beach to catch some rays and relax before our big night out that evening. We all loaded onto the super cool bus and off we went.
About two thirds of the way there we all hear this huge POP! The bus driver stayed calm and managed to pull over without any incidents. We all pilled out of the bus and there was the culprit …
There wasn’t a whole lot we could do, but sit on the bus and wait. This is where we went wrong. What we should have done was called a cab and had the bus company meet us at the beach. Instead the bus driver kept assuring us it would only be another 30 minutes. About 2-3 hours later they finally had a limo pick us up and drive us to the beach. By the time we made it to the beach it was FULL and they were no longer letting people in. We were all at a loss. What should we do at this point?!
Luckily one of my friends jumped into action. She called her friend who has a boat and he agreed to let a bunch of girls come hang out for a couple hours … lucky him, right :) Back to the city we went and spent a little fun in the sun on the boat.
The evening was spent having dinner at Lincoln and then we got our dance on at Josephine’s. Despite the wheel going POP we had a great day!!! I’m very lucky to have friends who just roll with the punches (so to speak). The weekend showed me no matter what happens my friends and I always have a great time together … even if that means sitting on a hot party bus on the side of the highway for a few hours!
Do you have any “not so funny then”, but “kind of funny now” bachelorette weekend stories?
Happy Bachelorette Weekend!
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