It was a whole 16 weeks since I last blogged until last week … *hangs head in shame*. I have been thinking about blogging and I even had a few posts 90% completed, but just couldn’t muster up the energy to complete them. BUT here is the thing … I am back and have some great new tidbits to share with you.
For starters I guess I should provide you with my REALLY GOOD excuse for being an absentee blogger … wait for it … wait for it … are you ready?!?!

{Sorry for the bad camera phone photo … and as you can see from the tags I was trying to some new maternity pants}
Oh wow, oh my, yup, I just put that out there on the world wide web for the world to see!! The husband and I are beyond thrilled to be adding a new member to our little family. I’m not so sure Sophi, our dog, is going to feel the same way come December. Poor little pup is about to have her world severely rocked.
At 22 weeks, I am just a little over 1/2 way through the pregnancy and it has been a wild ride so far!!! The first trimester took a lot out of me. There was morning sickness that lasted all day and “power naps” after work that were always 2-3 hours. Luckily the second trimester is treating me a lot better than the first! I feel like myself again … except that my clothes no longer fit and when I look down I can see my belly sticking out. LOL. So there you have it … my excuse for not blogging. Baking the bun in the oven briefly took precedence over blogging. =)
I have a number of fun stories, tidbits and baby related projects to share with you in the coming weeks so I hope you will forgive me for being an absentee blogger.

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