With chocolate mustaches as the baby shower favor completed all I needed was to make the favor tags. I ordered card stock to print the tags on and started designing them in PhotoShop. I wanted the design of the tags to be similar to the custom invitations I made so the “paper products” would mesh.
Here’s the final product:
After cutting all the tags down to size using my favorite paper cutter I compiled everything I needed on the kitchen table.
With scissors I cut a small slit in the upper left corner of the tags and threaded the ribbon through. The the husband got to play assistant and hold the favor bags as I tied the ribbon/tag on each mustache lollipop.
Here’s the final product!
The husband and I thought it would be fun to try out one of the extra mustaches on Sophi. She was desperately trying to lick the chocolate while we photographed her. Doesn’t she just look adorbs with her ‘stache?!?!
What do you think of the DIY party favor tags? Stay tuned … more Little Man baby shower details coming up soon!
Happy Party Planning!!
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