This was one of those weeks that was so long and yet flew by all at the same time. Does that even make sense?! Meh it’s how I feel so I’m going with it. I’m so looking forward to this weekend … my sister AND sister-in-law are coming in for a visit. Yay! TGIF!
The best part of my week was my fur baby and toddler are finally bonding. And seriously I have a toddler? WHY is my baby growing up so fast?!?!?! Sophi tolerates Jellybean as she aggressively pets and attempts to {open mouth} kiss her. Jellybean shrieks with glee on the rare occasion Sophi kisses her back. It’s really quite entertaining to watch them together.
Check out Sophi’s ‘I’m not sure I like this’ face …
Some favs from the past week …
I wish it was appropriate to wear yoga pants and sweatshirts to work, restaurants and maybe sometimes to parties … okay really everywhere! LOVE me some cute & comfortable clothing. I love this sparkle heart sweatshirt. An absolute must have with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, ummm yup purchased! Such a great find — comfy and stylish V-day wear for this Mama.
Over the holidays I signed up for Birchbox. I’ve received two boxes so far, honestly I’ve had mixed feelings about the contents. I absolutely love the concept, but the products have been just okay. My favorite product from the December and January boxes is by far the Vasanti exfoliator. Once my sample size runs out I will definitely be purchasing a full size version!
After a year, yup an ENTIRE year, {hang my head in shame} I am finally reading a book … like a real book with paper pages and everything. Despite loving my Kindle I impulse bought a new read on Amazon one evening in early January. So what am I reading? The Happiness Project. So far I’m enjoying it a lot and it’s written as though you are having conversation with the author. It came highly recommended from friends as well as a number of the bloggers I follow.
This recipe was divine, although the bananas didn’t seem to come quite right. Either way it was delicious and when I have time, I plan to make it again. Side note: I’m kind of obsessed with quinoa right now. I blame it on credit the Earth Bowl salad from Sweetgreen.
Do you remember jellie shoes? OMG I was totally in love with them as a child. Hello early 90’s!!! Too bad they were incredibly uncomfortable, but stylish so I wore them anyways. WELL … I found baby sparkle jellies online. My fingers did the clickin’ and a week later they arrived! I can’t wait for my baby girl to wear them.
And in other news … it’s official … I am Apple convert! Bye bye PC, see ya later Android and say HELLO to my pretty little Mac and iPhone 6. I never wanted to be a lover of Apple products, but I am. Phew I feel better … no more secrets about being an Apple lover :)
What are you loving this week?
Have a great weekend and happy Friday!