A few weeks ago we celebrated our 1 year anniversary! Although we got a ton of fantastic wedding gifts one of the best and most unique gifts we received was a gift certificate to Virginia Bed and Breakfasts. After researching and deliberating on where we wanted to go and stay we decided upon The Inn at Court Square. This little bed and breakfast is SO cute. This place is decorated perfectly. The wall were a Tiffany blue and the whole room had so much character.
Look at my adorable husband attempting to get out of the way of the picture. Sorry babe you are totally still in the shot. :) And because it was our anniversary the husband had a bottle of prosecco waiting for us when we arrived. We drank some wine and then we headed off to dinner at Maya.
Saturday morning we did our last minute planning of which wineries we were planning to hit. The last time we were in Charlottesville we went to Barboursville and Horton wine vineyards so those were out this time. We were definitely up for trying some new places. The first stop was Jefferson Vineyards.
After a very lovely wine tasting and purchasing three bottles of wine (white, rose and red) from Jefferson Vineyard we headed to Sugarleaf. The Sugarleaf Vineyard was packed so they did our tasting outside. Honestly it was a fantastic idea. We enjoyed the nature view and the beautiful weather while tasting their wines.
We purchased two bottles of wine and some chocolate infused with wine. Chocolate plus wine YES PLEASE! Clearly my sweet tooth was taking over when I pretty much insisted we buy the chocolate sauce. Then we headed off to our last stop and probably my favorite vineyard of the day, Pippin Hill Farm Vineyards. The view was AMAZING, the wine was fantastic and the food was yummy!!!
During our wine tasting we realized a snack was necessary. When we had first arrived a number people were eating sliders and omg did they look good. Unfortunately they were really good, therefore they were all sold out by the time we ordered them … bummer! We ended up getting a salad and cheese board. It was super yummy and I totally forgot to take a picture of the food before we had already finished it. Anyways this was the amazing view we had while we had a glass of wine and our snack.
I definitely want to go back to Pippin Hill Farm Vineyards someday soon. Their food, wine and view were all spot on. It was the perfect place to end our little winery tour. We got a couple of bottles of wine from here as well … can you say a stocked wine rack?? After a long and fun day of wine tasting we headed back to the B&B.
It was a great anniversary weekend and so nice to get out of the city for a little while. Have you been to any of these vineyards? What’s your favorite vineyard in VA?
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