Don’t know about you, but I spent a tremendous amount of time planning for the baby. In fact, I received the best compliment from my husband a couple weeks after Jellybean was born. He said, “Great job planning, Babe. We haven’t had to go to the store once. You made sure we have everything we need for the baby.” While we have clearly had to buy more stuff for our little girl since then, we did make it a good amount of time without purchasing anything. But I digress.
I spent SO much time planning for baby I completely neglected myself! Baby might come first, however I should have made postpartum planning for myself a higher priority. Very little {okay, really zero} time and research went into what I might need. I didn’t even bother surveying my friends to determine what the essentials were.
Please, PLEASE don’t be like me. Do your research and ensure you have purchased stuff for YOU and of course for baby too! =) As a new mama my mind was strictly on my newborn and if I had planned ahead for myself it would have made the first day or two at home a little easier. Not to mention it would have saved my parents from running back and forth from Target to buy me stuff. Hehehehe.
My postpartum must haves and survival items for post delivery include the following …
Always Pads With Wings – Pretty standard item most women purchase pre-delivery. The only addition I have to this is get multiple sizes and bring a few of your own pads to the hospital in case, like me, you don’t really like the ones the hospital provides.
Canon PowerShot – I am all about my DSLR, however the ability to quickly capture moments remains key. It’s lightweight and doesn’t take the ‘effort’ of shooting in manual with my Nikon D90. Also easier to use for the non-shutterbugs, as well as increasing the odds you are present in future family photos. Added bonus for this camera is it shoots well in low light … super helpful when trying to limit or completely eliminate using a flash on a newborn.
Belly Bandit – Although I didn’t purchase this or use it, because I didn’t learn about it until it was too late (boo hoo!) I would totally would have purchased it. I heard good things from a coworker who had her baby shortly after me. Just wanted to make sure it was on your radar. :)
Netflix – Hello to the never-ending TV series! Just hearing the theme song to Mad Men immediately takes me and the hubby back to the first few days and weeks home with Jellybean. Having something to watch while nursing or while baby girl slept on me was so nice. No commercials and I could start watching in the living room, pause it, and finish watching an episode on the iPad in the nursery.
Soothie Gel Pads – These literally saved me from giving up on nursing. The whole nipple cream as a necessity was 100% lost on me. These soothie gels on the other hand … go buy them (or order them online) NOW! Not trying to tell you what to do or how, but, yeah, buy them … =)
Nursing Bras – I had purchased some nighttime nursing bras and they were a complete fail. They provided no support and just didn’t cut it for me. My mother was kind enough to buy like 10 different kids for me to try on and these were absolutely, hands down, my favorite. Comfortable, supportive, reasonably priced and easy to unhook even when it was 2am and I was exhausted!
Nursing Tops – Love these tank tops. They were amazing for sleeping in and looked fine under just about anything I wore in the early days. I love sweatshirts and since I had a winter baby knowing about this sweatshirt would have come in SUPER handy.
Water Bottle – There was something about nursing that immediately made me THIRSTY! Baby would latch and I would be all “Hun where is my water?”. My poor husband was constantly fetching water. :) Not to mention nursing mom’s are suppose to drink plenty of water to keep their supply up.
High Wasted Underwear – We are talking granny panties to the extreme! Just telling it to you straight. I am doing you a favor saying this out loud … I promise … no one told me. Regular underwear and my cesarean incision were NOT … let me repeat … NOT going to happen. The incision was just way too tender.
Gas-X & Stool Softener – It’s somewhat embarrassing to say, but both these items are a must. Sorry ladies … just keepin’ it real. My doctor suggested the gas-x, which was honestly a life saver. So yeah. ENOUGH. Said. On to the next item…
Ibuprofen – 100% helps take the edge off the pain. My doctor prescribed me with some high dose ibuprofen, but while we waited to have the prescription filled it was nice to have some in the house as back up.
Leggings and/or sweatpants – I seriously lived in sweatpants and leggings for the first few weeks (okay months) of Jellybean’s life. For the first few weeks it was SO important to wear comfortable pants that were NOT low rise. The incision was tender and limiting clothing rubbing on it, I think, really helped it feel better faster.
So moms, what postpartum must have items for Mama am I missing?