HAPPY FRIDAY! This week went by so fast and yet slow at the same time – a contradiction I know. Who else is excited that the USA beat Ghana in their first World Cup game?? I’m looking forward to hanging out with friends this weekend and going to our first Nationals game of the season. Unfortunately I didn’t plan ahead so Jellybean doesn’t have any Nationals gear to wear to the game – I think we will just dress her in red and white!
Let’s get to it … high 5 moments from this week!
1. Last weekend we SUCCESSFULLY travel to Seattle for my friend’s wedding and then back to DC. While I would be lying if I said travelling cross country with a 5 month old was a walk in the park, it was far less stressful and not a complete disaster as I had feared it would be. Despite keeping Jellybean up until all hours of the night (thank you time change) and completely deviating from her schedule she was in a great mood (most of the time). I was a proud mama and smiled from ear to ear when wedding guests commented on how beautiful, good natured and social she was! =)
2. Jellybean started holding her own bottle! About a week ago she did it for the first time, however it was only for a minute or two. This week she held it for an entire feeding without us having to hold the bottle for her (she even tipped it up more when the milk flow slowed down – smarty pants that she is!). She seems to still prefers for us to hold her bottle … I mean it’s so much more relaxing to be fed, right?!?! hehehehe.
3. Professionally it was a great week as well. Best week since returning from maternity leave!
4. No more traveling for almost 5 whole weeks. We have been on the move the past few weeks with weddings and other commitments. I’m excited to be able to be in my own house for the next few weeks.
5. After going back and forth on what type of storage to buy for Jellybean’s room (we are talking the past 3 months I couldn’t decide!) I finally made a decision. She needed places to put all the toys she has been acquiring as well as place for blankets. I found some cute canvas storage containers at Pottery Barn Kids. I hope they look as cute in the room as I envision!
What’s your high 5 moment(s) from this week?
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What a beautiful shot of you and your friend :). You were on my side of the world.