Oh pregnancy. I forgot how you are both glorious and yet terrible all at the same time! I’m hear to tell you ladies that pregnancy amnesia is the real deal. There are so many things I forgot happened when one is pregnant … both the physical and emotional changes. I was reading Jellybean a bedtime story and got all chocked up. It took everything I had not to turn into a blubbery mess in front of her.
We were fortunate to have a two ultrasounds during the first trimester. It was beyond exciting to see Kiwi {nickname for baby #2} on the ultrasound machine. I can’t say for sure what Kiwi was doing in the first scan because the baby kind of looked like a little blob, but Kiwi was very active during the second scan. And seriously, there is nothing like hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the very first time! GAH love that little swishing sound!!
**Note: This post was drafted in early September**
First Trimester in Review
Craving …
Fruit and green veggies! Watermelon and strawberries specifically are my favorites. I admit craving green vegetables is definitely a strange ones. Asparagus, yum!
Food Aversions …
Meat of any kind. While it won’t make me sick to eat meat, I really don’t want it at all right now. I could also do without eggs. Do eggs count as a meat or just a protein? Either way, yuck.
Feeling …
Nauseous ALL DAY LONG and headaches are the biggest first trimester culprits. The morning sickness has been pretty bad and unfortunately eating doesn’t fix the problem (with Jellybean I would eat carbs and feel okay for a while at least). We did so much traveling in August, it was hard to tell what was exhaustion due to pregnancy and what was jet lag. Either way, recovering from jet lag was a lot more challenging while simultaneously growing a baby. Shocker. I know.
Missing …
Wine. There. I said it. I missed wine for about the first 4 weeks of my pregnancy and then I decided all alcohol smelled nasty — with a capital N!
Wearing …
All my normal clothes. Wardrobe go-to’s include: shorts, yoga pants and baggy t-shirts.
Random Tidbit …
The dog absolutely knows I’m pregnant. Fairly early on – we are talking maybe a week after I found out – we were expecting Sophi started becoming extra clingy. Though she has always followed me around the house she is now, well, attached to me. She sits on me or next to me on the couch, always. If I leave the room she’s never far behind and, dare I be so bold as to try to use the bathroom alone, she looses her mind. It’s gotten so bad Jellybean has been telling Sophi to get off me because I’m ‘HER mummy’.
Excited About …
The nausea being over. Being done with the first trimester also means we’ve been telling people about our little bundle of joy that’s on the way. The more people we tell the more exciting and real it feels that we will be a family of 4 in just a few short months. Also, I’m looking forward to finding out if this little munchkin is a boy or a girl!
Nervous About …
Zika. When we found out I was pregnant I was a bit concerned about traveling to the States where Zika was more prevalent than it was (or at least as I understood it to be) here in Bangkok. No sooner had we arrived back in Bangkok did reports start surfacing indicating Zika had made its way here. I’m trying to stay calm and lather the whole family in bug spray, but generally I feel very paranoid about it.
First vs. Second Pregnancy …
So far the my pregnancy with Jellybean was very different than the current one with Kiwi. The only real similarity has been I was nauseous with for both pregnancies, though this time around has definitely been rougher. I often hear each pregnancy is different, but it wasn’t until I experienced it myself did I truly understand it. A review of my first trimester with Jellybean can be found here.
How does your first trimester compare? What was the best and worst part of your first trimester?