Jellybean is a toddler, but she will always be my baby!! So we have moved on from the baby must have to toddler favorites! I think JB is taking a more active role in selecting her essentials and her little personality is really starting to shine through.
She has an opinion on what she will wear each day. I’ve got it down to a science {on those days where she’s acting ‘typical’} … I pick out 2 outfits and say ‘this one or that one’. She usually points aggressively at one and boom that’s the OOTD. But seriously, that girl has style. If I select an outfit she doesn’t like I get a very stern looks followed by “No, No, No, Mommy!”. And yes, those no’s are capitalized on purpose. :)
Over the past few months here’s what Jellybean has been loving the most …
Contigo Water Bottle // This water bottle was recommended by a friend and is actually the same brand as our coffee mugs so I was excited for Jellybean to give them a try. It took her a little bit of time to get the whole straw thing down, but these quickly became a staple in our house.
Baby Buddy Natural Bath Sponge // Amazing product and I’m bummed we didn’t find it when Jellybean was just an infant. Bath time sponge equals a decrease in the amount of laundry {no more… or at least less wash clothes}.
Lovey // My mother always joked she was going to get Jellybean a whole bunch of tags for her 1st birthday, because JB was always eating the tags of her toys. Apparently this is a typical baby thing (wink, wink) and when my mom found the tag lovey she just had to buy it. Jellybean took a quick liking to the lovey and now sleeps with it every night!
Munchkin Bath Letters & Numbers // These are so much fun! They stick to the tub and walls very easily. While Jellybean isn’t totally ready for learning all the letters we do
10 Little Monkey (Poke-a-Dot!) Book // My mom found this book and oh my goodness does Jellybean like it. So much so, the book is starting to fall apart from all the use it gets. I like that it teaches number and is interactive in a way that helps kids with their motor skills.
Ikea Dinnerware Set // Don’t really think an explanation is needed here. Affordable and practical. Done & done.
Circo Folding Stroller and Jenna Doll // I think this is probably in the top 5 toys played with everyday in our house. Jellybean loves hugging her doll and then placing (read shoving) it into the stroller. They then zip up and down the hallways … there is no walking Jellybean insists on RUNNING everywhere. :)
Mega Blocks // Jellybean has found all sorts of uses for the blocks that go beyond stacking and building castles. She hurls shares them at the dog and tries to balance them on her head. Typically these little gems will keep her busy for a while.
My 1st Anywhere Chair // This is definitely one of my favorite things we have for Jellybean. My in-laws asked what we would like for her 1st birthday and this was my pick. She curls up and ‘reads’ a book, has a snack (much to my wishing she wouldn’t eat on her chair) or just hangs out on it with her toys. She uses it So even though the price point is kind of high, I think it’s totally worth it!
In case you missed it, check out the the baby essential series for newborns, 3-5 months, 6-8 months and 9-12 months.
Does your toddler love any of these items? Any recommendations for a 19-24 month old?