1 – Sorry to start on a somber note, but I feel like I must touch on this. I haven’t posted anything online about the tragedy that occurred Monday at the Boston marathon. My thoughts and prayers have been with those impacted by this all week, but I find at times when people do horrible thing I am at a loss for words. Even just saying thoughts and prayers doesn’t seem to do justice to how I feel or what I really would want to convey. I grew up and Massachusetts and feel lucky to have so many wonderful friend/family who reached out to ensure my loved ones were okay. Like I said I have no words …. I mean really what is wrong with people?
2 – A friend of mine shared this article with me … 22 Things Happy People Do Differently. Although I can see the value in a lot of the items there’s just no way I can get up at the same time every day. I like to sleep in on the weekends =)
3 – Sometimes cooking an “old” recipes that I haven’t had in a long time makes me rediscover my love for it all over again. This week I made spicy meatballs for the hubby. We both were laughing about how much we enjoyed them and why we hadn’t thought to make them in a while. Welcome back to the rotation spicy meatballs!
4 – I played Bocce for the first time ever this week! Our team is a lot of fun and even though I thought I might be terrible at it … it turns out I was able to score the winning point for my team. Not bad if I do say so myself!! Have you ever played Bocce do you like it?
5 – Have any of your been watching The Americans on FX? The hubby and I are loving the first season and let’s be honest it is always a HUGE win when we can agree on a TV show. We are also hooked on Scandal! Any good shows you and your man agree upon that you would recommend?
6 – I know it’s a really old and over played song at this point, but I still get excited when “Call me Maybe” comes on the radio or on my ipod. Can’t really pin point what about this song I like so much … it must be the beat … yeah let’s go with that. =)
7 – Planning a bachelorette party? Check out these two super cute (and affordable) ideas from The McBaileys … party boxes and party tanks. I love both ideas!
8 – Sophi, our dog, met my friend’s 7+ week old baby yesterday! Sophi was very curious and wanted to sniff/see the baby, however once we started pay attention to only the baby she was less than thrilled. The poor dog was JEALOUS, but luckily by the end of the visit I had my friend’s baby in my lap and Sophi laying next to us.
9 – After killing my herb garden after one of the early snows last year, I have begun my quest to conquer the black thumb … again. I am hopeful I will have better luck this time. So far we have basil, chives, mint and thyme.
10 – I’ve been toying with the idea of becoming a brunette. I have always been a blonde and I’m not really sure where this idea is coming from. Random right?
What tidbit do you have to add this week?
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