I have always been into photography. Since middle school I’ve followed in my mother’s foot steps and taken/printed TONS of pictures. There are albums and albums of pictures at my parent’s house and even more at our condo. Given my love of photography I thought it might be fun to share a photo each week.
Since this is the first photo of the week I though it was appropriate to share one of the first pictures I took with my Nikon D90. This picture was taken the weekend of my sister-in-law’s wedding in Missouri.
Although it’s suppose to be photo and not photoS, I still wanted to share one more picture from that trip to Missouri.
Happy Friday!
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Love these!! :)
Wow! I clicked the link and voila – there are pics of some of some of my favorite (non-human) faces! What a neat surprise! I still think the Sam-staring-at-a-fly pic is brilliant, Nicole. You have such talent!
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