Our condo has a little balcony off the master bedroom. After moving in we put some old chairs on the balcony and sat out there every once in a great while. Lacking something comfortable to sit on didn’t make the space too inviting. When my parents and sister came to visit and see the condo for the first time my mom and I made a list of the stuff we still needed to purchase. The balcony furniture made it to the top of the list pretty quickly.
That afternoon the husband and my dad did “guy things”. Like going to Home Depot, installing a dimmer switch in the living room and I believe there was some sitting on the couch with beers in playing on the laptop/ipad (but I could be wrong…wink wink). Meanwhile my sister, mom and I headed out to do some shopping. We had no luck after going to World Market and Home Goods. Despite feeling a little defeated we headed over to Pier 1 Imports to see if they had anything. We walked in and almost immediately we fell in love with plicker (plastic wicker) red chairs. They were comfortable and complimented the accent red tamale wall in the master bedroom. My mom roamed around the store and spotted nested tables that she thought would work well on the balcony.
My mom obviously knows my style well. I really liked the nested tables. I took pictures of the chairs and tables with my Driod and sent them to the husband for approval. He was quick to respond with a yes on both, so we were in business!! To make sure we loved the new items I had my mom and sister sit down and pretend like they were having drinks.
After playing tetrus with the car and new furniture we FINALLY were able to get everything in and headed home. I really thought we might have to return everything and go back and buy it when we had a bigger car!
The balcony is so inviting now that it’s had a furniture face lift. I love our little balcony and it’s perfect for morning lattes, afternoon drinks, reading and relaxing. Sophi likes the balcony too … can you see her sneaking into the picture?
Heck the balcony is even great for an intimate dinner and since the weather in DC is not longer 90 plus degrees each night we even had dinner on the balcony the other evening.
Had to squeeze that last Instagram picture into the post :)
Happy Outdoor Living!
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