Today we turn 1!!! Happy Blog-iversary to Life’s Tidbits! The first year of blogging seems to have flown by. I’ve learned a lot along the way and hopefully the second year for sharing tidbits will be even better than the first.
Goals for Year 2:
- Blog more regularly – Sometimes life gets in the way and blogging gets put to the side. But that’s not really a good excuse sooooo … new goal is to post 2-3 times a week.
- Comments – Figure out how to get YOU more engaged by sharing your tidbits within the comments section
- Guest Bloggers – Collaborate with other bloggers and/or friends and have a monthly guest blog post. I think this will increase the types of tidbits shared!
With Life’s Tidbits turning one today I thought it would be fun to do the best of the best / superlatives post. In case you were curious just what superlatives means here’s a definition for you: “Grammar Of, relating to, or being the extreme degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb, as in best or brightest.” reference
Most Frequented Post – DIY Wedding Envelopes with Calligraphy
Considering this is the most popular blog post I’m absolutely shocked how each week this post gets hit and yet no one has EVER left a single comment.
Most Personal – Purchasing Our First Home
This was one of the highlights of 2012, but also one of the scariest times. Buying a home is a huge financial investment and such an adult thing to do :)
Most Surprising Share – Choosing a Wedding Dress
Although it might seem like something that was easy to share it really wasn’t. There were only a few people who knew I struggled with my wedding dress choice after making the purchase. I felt silly that I was so conflicted and it took me a while to decide if I should blog about that tidbit.
Photo by Korie Lynn Photography
Best Vacation Spot – Positano, Italy
As the first stop on our honeymoon it isn’t surprising we have such fond memories of Positano!
Best Lesson Learn – Paint Finishes
We did a ton of painting in the first few months as homeowners. Leaning what to use what paint finish was a great lesson learned!
Most Work – Beef Bourguignon
This recipe took HOURS and is probably one of the longer posts I wrote.
Most organized – The Closet and The Pantry
Although it’s a little bit of a cop out to pick two I really do feel like it’s a tie!
We are looking forward to a great year 2 and thanks for following Life’s Tidbits!! Is there anything you would like to see more of on Life’s Tidbits this year??