Miss Blair Alexandra!  {aka Jellybean}


Our beautiful baby girl {FINALLY} made her debut on December 31st at 4:03am.

I must admit, I have been more of an absentee blogger than I had planned on – for the past 3 weeks that is.  Being a new mom coupled with recovering from a c-section (which was completely unplanned and unexpected) it has taken me longer than expected to get back in front of the computer.  While I am not quite ready to tell Blair’s birth story, I am hoping to share my labor and c-section experience soon.

A few new mom tidbits:

  • I’ve officially been “christened” as a mom … I’ve been peed, pooped and spit-up on!
  • I feel like a walking zombie during night feeding though I’m slowly adjusting to getting up ~3 times a night to feed the little one … brings new meaning to the word exhausted.
  • I put a sweatshirt on the other day, realized it had spit-up on it and decided it was “clean enough” to wear given all the other sweatshirts were in the wash.
  • Getting to shower during the day is considered a significant win (seriously it’s the small things in life!).
  • The dog has decided the baby doesn’t exist and completely ignores her.  Sophi sits on my legs while I feed Blair and has smelled her a couple times, but that’s the closest the dog will get to the baby.  On the up side Sophi doesn’t bark when Blair cries (thank goodness!!).

Okay one more picture, because sharing only one just isn’t enough.  Oh yes, she is sucking her thumb on her birthday =)


Needless to say the husband and I are completely in love with the newest member of our little family!!!  More new mommy tidbits to come in the next few weeks.  Hopefully I am able to squeeze in some blogging between naps, diaper changes, feedings and just staring at my baby!

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


As 2014 kicks into high gear I thought it would be interesting to see what posts were most popular in 2013.  I was a bit surprised by the top 5, however maybe I shouldn’t be.  No two post were from the same category. which I was pretty happy about.  I think it helps “prove” sharing different types of tidbits is working out well for the blog!


Without further ado, here are the 5 most popular posts of 2013 …

Number 1 – {Recipe} Cracked Sugar Cookies

These cookies really are A-MAZING!


Number 2 – DIY Wedding Envelopes with Calligraphy

This post is read consistently each week.  It was a pretty easy DIY wedding project and saved us a good chunk of money as well!


Number 3 – French Dresser – Inspiration / Mood Board

The first purchase we made for the nursery was the dresser (and nightstand).  Everything else we selected was based on the shabby chic / french inspired dresser.


Number 4 – One Year in a Flash – Birthday Party

The party was decked out with all sorts of details and DIY projects.  As co-owner of Baker’s Bliss Kia made all her own cupcakes for the party!


Number 5 – {Pregnancy Tidbits} The 5th Month

I really enjoyed blogging about my pregnancy.  It’s fun to go back and read how each month went!  Some tidbit I remember so clearly and others I had kind of forgotten about.  I’m glad to have the pregnancy log to help me reminisce.


I’m looking forward to seeing what 2014 has in store for Life’s Tidbits.  I hope you will continue to follow along and share your tidbits!!

What was your favorite blog post in 2013?

Happy New Year!!

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


I spent a TON of time researching baby gear in my second trimester.  I looked at blogs, read articles and perused friends, friends of friends and acquaintances registries looking for items they all had in common.  Although I consulted with the husband on my picks, he pretty much deferred to me since I was doing the research.  In all honesty neither of us have ever used this kind of gear before so it kind of felts like a guessing game when picking items to register for.  In the end I am pretty pleased with what we chose.  But honestly, who would have thought such a tiny little person would “need” SOOO much stuff?!

For the purposes of this post, let’s just take the baby basics/big ticket items off the table, okay?  So diaper, wipes, stroller and car seat are “given” must have items for newborns.  Given my research, to date, below is what I think we will need for Jellybean …

Baby Registry Must Haves | Life's Tidbits

1 – Boppy Pillow –  It is rare to find a baby registry that doesn’t have a boppy pillow on it.  Most of my friends who have breastfed swear by it and say the pillow makes it so much easier to support the baby.  I was fortunate enough to get a hand-me-over boppy from a friend.  I purchased a  new and crazy soft cover from Pottery Barn.

2 – Sophie Giraffe –  This teether seems to be all the rage as of late.  All the babies being strolled down the street have one sitting next to them.  I swear it shows up on every Google search for “must have” baby items.  While we can’t call the giraffe Sophie, because that is our dog’s name, we are now the proud owners of a “Sophie” giraffe teether.

3 – Thermometer – As a first time mom I’m confident I will be concerned Jellybean is sick.  I expect this thermometer will help keep my mind at ease in the coming months.

4 – Swaddle Pod – I like that they have a zipper … place the baby in the pod and zip-her-up … no messing around with trying to do the traditional swaddle for bedtime.

5 – Soothie Pacifier – Have come highly recommended on blogs and from friends alike.  We received a couple from some friends who just had a baby girl back in October.  They said these pacifiers were a must!

6 – aden + anais Swaddle/Receiving Blankets – It feels like this item is a given.

7 – Bouncing Chair – The bouncy chair seems to be interchangeable with a swing.  My friend is kind enough to lend us her son’s swing so I registered for the bouncy chair.  I figure we can put Jellybean in both and let her decide which she likes best.

8 – Nosefrida Baby Nasal Aspirator – New and veteran mommies alike rave about this product.  I guess it is better than the “ball” nasal aspirators.  At my friend’s shower a couple weeks ago a mom said she always gives the snotsucker as part of her shower gift.  I figured it is certainly worth a try therefore we purchased one.

My plan is to update my must have list once Jellybean arrive and I actually start using these products.  It should be interesting to see what I thought we needed versus what we actually need.

What baby gear/item do you wish you had registered for and/or purchased prior to bringing the little bundle of joy home from the hospital?  What am I missing?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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