I struggled with if I should call it a baby welcome basket or baby shower basket.  Since I got the basket as a welcome gift for Jellybean, welcome basket won out!  A friend of mine reached out shortly after Jellybean was born and asked if she could come meet the baby.  She texted on her way and offered to bring us Starbucks, which I happily took her up on.  Not going to lie, the husband and I were pretty excited about having lattes delivered to the house!  When my friend and her husband arrived they not old had Starbucks, but also a gift basket for the little one AND some much needed sustenance (soup and cupcakes) for the husband and me.  Talk about thoughtful!!

Being new parents with little to no time to cook for ourselves we quickly ate devoured the cupcakes and soup.  Truth is, we totally had cupcakes for breakfast a few days in a row … when you had a newborn you eat what’s available, plus those cupcakes were DA BOMB!  It didn’t dawn one me until after they were gone to blog about the food and gift basket.  C’est la vie – the welcome basket is really what I want to show you anyways.


This gift is both unique as well as personalized!  I just love it and we’ve used everything in the basket with the exception of one item that doesn’t fit Jellybean quite yet.  The pink dog is a huge hit not only with my daughter, but the little girl next door who is a few months older is pretty into it as well.  The contents of the basket included:

  • Book
  • Headbands
  • Night Gown
  • Onesie and Pant outfit
  • Pink Dog Tag Along Toy
  • Bath Cozy


Soooo fabulous, right?!  I can’t wait to copy my friend’s idea and create a welcome basket for someone’s new bundle of joy … as copying is the highest form of flattery!  Since my friend is kind of known for creating these baskets I certainly don’t plan on stealing her thunder, so I am going to have to hold off under a non-mutual friend has a baby.  :)

Have you created a welcome basket for your friend’s new baby before?  If so, what did you include in it?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


HIGH FIVE FOLKS … IT’S FRIDAY!!!  The week has gone by pretty quickly and – I am not going to lie – I am THRILLED the weekend is almost here!  I’ve decided to try something new and post five things every or every-other {haven’t decided which yet} Friday that I want to high five about.

What is High Five Friday? High Five Friday was started by a blogger named Meg from A Dash of Meg.  High Five Friday allows us to “take time to celebrate our weekly achievements, successes, and abilities. Within a week we accomplish so much, but forget to give ourselves credit for all that we do, so High Five Friday allows us to take the time and recognize these important accomplishments.”


ONE – I Returned to the Workforce – I officially turned in my stay-at-home-mommy hat and put on my bringing-home-the-bacon-mommy hat on Monday.  To be honest, there were some tears involved most mornings, however I take comfort in the fact that we chose a fantastic nanny to take care of her during the day.  After my first day back at work Jellybean showed me some love … check out the smile I got from my little one upon my return home:


Onesie was a gift from my sister!

TWO – Back to Blogging – I’m excited to be blogging again.  I am starting to get the swing of this whole thing called motherhood and I’m able to find a little time for myself = time to blog.  I have some really fun {non baby} stuff to share including a bridal shower I am throwing for my oldest friend.  We have literally been friends our entire lives – our parents met in Lamaze class!

THREE – Mad Men Season 6 & 7 – Season 6 of Mad Men is being released on Netflix March 30th!  Guess what I am doing on Sunday … wink wink.  The husband and I tore through watched seasons 1-5 while I was on maternity leave and we have been anxiously awaiting season 6.  Bonus is season 7 begins on April 13th.  We will certainly get our Mad Men fill in the month of April!!!

FOUR – Taxes are Done – For some reason I always procrastinate on the taxes front.  Truth is I don’t even do them myself.  I have no idea what my issue is, but I finally got my act together, scanned in all the documentation and sent it on over to the accountant.  Feels good to check that off the to-do list!

FIVE – Established an Evening Routine – I knew going back to work was going to be rough on me emotionally so I decided to find something I could try to “control”.  The little one is nearing the 3 month old mark so we decided to implement {hello project manager lingo!} a nighttime routine.  I Googled, read blogs and skimmed a few books — all of which seem to say roughly the same thing — any routine is fine as long as it’s the same one every night.  We started Thursday of last week and successfully stuck with it for a whole week!  More to come on the whole baby nighttime routine.

What’s your high five moment(s) of the week?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.


I had so much fun during Jellybean’s 2 month photo shoot!  She made some adorable faces so it was hard for me to only include two photos in this post, but I restrained myself from inundating you with pictures.  Over the past month I have made no progress on the schedule front and though I have “nothing” to show for my days, they fly by.  I love being at home with my daughter {why does it still feel weird to say/write daughter?!} and DREAD the thought of going back to work full time!!!  As the weather is slowly starting to warm up I’m ever so hopeful JB and I will be able to go on more walks in my last few weeks at home with her.  Jellybean’s little smiles make everything right in my world.  I spend the majority of the time she is awake trying to make her smile – thank goodness no one is recording me, I’m sure I look pretty silly most of the time.  :)

A few tidbits about the second month …


Headband is from Etsy


Jellybean is sleeping anywhere from 3 to 7 hours during the night (which I define as 9pm to 8am).  We are ever so thankful for the long periods of sleep.  I find when she sleeps over 4 hours I wake up abruptly and immediately lean over the bed to ensure Jellybean is OK.  It’s a weird feeling to be thankful for the sleep and freaked out all at the same time!


This month we officially introduced bottles and we are very lucky it went smoothly.  My little one doesn’t care if the bottle is hot or cold (winning!) nor does she have a preference of who feeds her the bottle.  Jellybean just wants to eat!  I haven’t had any issues with nipple confusion either (maybe I shouldn’t say this out-loud or it will become an issue).  Breastfeeding coupled with bottles has truly made life easier.  The husband can feed baby while I cook dinner, blog or heck take a shower.

While the transition from nursing to both bottles and nursing went well finding the right bottle was another story.  We started off with Advent bottles and their natural nipples.  JB was “shot gunning the bottles” as my husband so eloquently {LOL} told the doctor.  She was eating way too fast, which resulted in her crying because she didn’t realize she was full after finishing the bottle as well as spitting up a lot.  The doctor recommended we switch to Dr. Brown bottle and use a preemie nipple.  The preemie nipple has the slowest nipple flow available.  We saw an immediate and positive difference in Jellybean’s bottle feedings once we made the switch.   My biggest complaint with bottle feeding is cleaning/storing/organizing the bottles.  It looks like bottle pieces exploded on our counter top! :)  Any suggestions on how to manage all these bottles would be much appreciated!!


Quickly after posting Jellybean’s first month round up she moved into size 1 diapers.  She is also no longer fitting into her newborn clothes and is wearing all 0-3 month sizes.  Some 0-3 month clothes are still too big on her … seems to be different brands run differently … not really a shocker hahaha.  I’m really enjoying having a new set of clothes to dress the little one up in.  Her wardrobe is quite large – she’s a little fashionista!


Smiles and “giggles”/coos.

Rocking tummy time and gaining more control over her head each day.

Sucks on her hand, which according to the doctor is the first step towards self soothing.

Rolls onto her side consistently.

Random Tidbits

I started singing the Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes song to the munchkin during week 7 and she just loves it (at least someone enjoys my singing…I must admit I have a horrible voice).  Sometimes I make the movements with my hands and other times I use hers, but either way she smiles and coos while I sing.

She has also started to enjoy the play mat.  She will play by herself for about 5 to 15 minutes without crying or needing me to sit by her.  I try to use this “free” time wisely by going through the mail, switching the laundry or snapping a few photos of her playing.  It’s really fun to watch her eyes wide open as she {somewhat accidentally} knocks the toys around and the lights change color.


What is your favorite tidbit from your baby’s second month?

If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below.  Don’t forget you can follow us on PinterestInstagramFacebook and Twitter.

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