It is no surprise our guest bathroom is the first to be completed. It was the first room we painted, purchased an accessory for and probably the smallest “area” within the house. Before we moved into the condo my mother took me shopping at Home Goods for the VERY FIRST time ever! Can I just say I love that store?! I purchased a little vase and fake flower arrangement I thought would be perfect for the back of the toilet seat. It was the first accessory for our new place and a first for the bathroom as well. The bathroom came together slowly, but when we hung the final picture behind the toilet and the guest bathroom project was officially a wrap.
A few weeks after painting the bathroom I finally went to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a shower curtain and bath mat. We had guests (my family) coming into town and we couldn’t very well have them shower without a curtain or mat! While my family was in town us girls went on a little shopping trip. We went to Pier 1 Imports and purchased the balcony furniture, but before that we hit up Home Goods. At Home Goods we found the bathroom accessories! Slowly but surely the bathroom was coming together.
The Son of Man painting like so many other things was sitting in our spare bedroom waiting for us to find the perfect place for it in the new house. In our first apartment together it hung in the living room and in our second apartment in the hallway near the front door. Now it has found a home in the second bathroom! The green apple ties in perfectly with the light green paint.
All we had left to do was find some painting or picture for behind the toilet seat above the little fake flower arrangement. After we hung the hallway pictures the husband and I decided to purchase the another picture frame from Amazon for the bathroom. My husband actually made the suggestion as to which picture should populate the new frame. I was well, pleasantly surprised!! He suggested we use a picture of Sophi, our dog, from our engagement session. She looks so cute and happy in the picture. I used PhotoShop to turn the colored picture to black and white. Uploaded the picture to Shutterfly, ordered and a few days later we were in business.
So the guest bathroom if officially decorated! BUT here’s the things as I started writing this last paragraph I realized there were other things needed for the bathroom … seriously decorating never seems to be really finished. So what else could we possibly need you might ask? New towels that match our new fancy bathroom. Towels are at the bottom of my home shopping list, therefore I still feel comfortable saying the bathroom is a wrap!
What was the first room you finished decorating in your place?
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