My bag is packed and I’m ready to go! We are going to have a baby … very, very soon!! {Could scream with excitement and fear too!} All the books, apps, my doctor and our friends are telling me it’s time to get ready for the big day, which includes getting the hospital bag packed. There are those who have been packed for a couple weeks now and others who won’t pack until they literally go into labor, so I think that means I’m in the middle of the pack. At 1 day shy of 38 weeks I figured it was time the husband and I spent a little time getting our bag together. I’ve reviewed a number of blogs as well as consulted some close friends to help determine what we should pack. Some people used a lot of “stuff” at the hospitals while others found the hospital had 90% of what they needed.
Below is what ended up getting thrown into the bag the other weekend. I will be sure to update you after our hospital stay with what was useful and well, what wasn’t.
For Me:
- Slippers – To keep my toesies warm as well as to walk around in as needed.
- Toiletries
- Nursing bra – I have yet to invest in nursing bras, however I did purchase a two pack of sleeping nursing bras from Motherhood Maternity a few weeks ago. I figure the night nursing bras will get me through the hospital stay and assuming I am able to nurse I will order some real nursing bras once I get home with Jellybean.
- Going Home Outfit – I am thinking comfort is key when it comes to going home. Leggings, t-shirt and a sweatshirt … no fashion statement from this girl (I hope that’s the right call!).
- Hair Elastics
- Chapstick
For the Hubby:
- Change of Clothes – Boxers / Extra Shirt / Sweatpants / Half Zip Sweater / Baseball Cap
- Granola bars for him to snack on
- Toiletries
- Boppy Pillow
- Sucking Candy & Gum
- Camera – DUHH! We decided to bring the point and shoot camera instead of my SLR to ensure capturing Jellybean’s arrival is as easy as possible.
- Phone Chargers
- Ipad
- Cash
For Jellybean:
- Going home outfit x2 (newborn and 0-3 month sizes)
- Bear hat
- Headband
- Stroller Blanket
- Car seat and bases
What am I missing? Is there anything on this list I won’t need?

Definitely bring a toothbrush and toothpaste. While the hospital will have these things, they may be less satisfying than your own.
Hi Nicole, I would really recommend packing a couple of towels and perhaps some bottled water in your hospital bag plus some nappies for your bambino – not whether your hospital provide those or not! Hope I’m not too late to add my comment – although I’m sure you will be over the moon if your little bundle has decided to make their entrance by now! V@Sprout’s House xox