I can NOT believe today is Jellybean’s due date. December 23rd seemed SO far away back in April when I found out I was pregnant!! And yet here I am 40 weeks later with one fully “baked” belly. There have been a lot of ups and downs throughout the pregnancy yet it has been a journey and experience I wouldn’t change for the world.
We put up the Christmas tree a couple weekends ago and since then I’ve been trying to master taking a great picture of the tree. I also wanted to figure out how to do a silhouette of the belly in front of the tree. I’m pretty please with how the picture came out. It isn’t perfect, but I did shoot the photo in manual. The key was a low shutter speed and a pretty high ISO for any photo junkies (like me) out there. Anyways here JellyBelly and I are at 39 weeks …
Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 38 and 39
Cravings – Fruit … specifically clementines. I have been eating at least 2 a day. I don’t know why, but they really hit the spot!
Maternity Clothes – Oh yes!! In fact it’s pretty sad, but a couple of my maternity shirts don’t really fit anymore. The belly is just too big. The husband said the other morning that my belly has been getting “sneaky big” over the past few weeks. I think it just means Jellybean is fully grown (in utero that is) and ready to make her big debut. :)
Symptoms Tingling and numbness in my finger tips lasts all day now, which is a weird sensation. And there is of course the continued swelling in my hands/feet, congestion and trouble sleeping.
Movement Lots of it!
Missing Anything? Energy! There is so much I would love to do, however I’m just too tired to do most of it. I really miss having energy.
Highlights Scheduling an induction date. While I truly hope the baby comes without medical intervention it is nice to know we will meet our little one by a specific date. The end is in sight and the count down has begun!
Looking Forward To… meeting our baby girl!
Fears/Concerns… Not knowing I am in labor. I even went as far as to ask the the doctor if I would know I am in labor. His response was very nice and pretty hilarious. The doctor said “You would have to be drunk not to know.” While he did indicate it is very likely I will miss some of the first few contractions I was “assured” I would not be caught totally off guard.
Labor Signs NOPE :( I would love to feel a Braxton hick contraction or something indicating delivery day is getting closer.
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!

I’m so glad the photo came out! I love that you’re wearing a red shirt and just barely not silhouetted. Beautiful!
Thanks! Oddly enough it’s a pink shirt, but I think it does look red in the picture … WIN! :)