The baby is a approximately 2 lbs now!! My belly gets bigger by the week and it feels like I am rubbing bellies with anyone I hug LOL. When I look down the only thing I see are my toes and sometimes a portion of the tops of my feet. :) Here is the belly at 27 weeks and 6 days … picture was posted on Instagram yesterday:
Pregnancy Tidbits from Weeks 23-27
Random Tidbits
Gender – Jellybean is STILL a girl! Why “still” you might be asking? Since finding out the gender of our little one people have told us numerous stories of the ultrasound technician saying the baby was a girl and then on the day of the baby’s birth … BOOM it’s a boy! I’m pretty confident about Jellybean’s gender as we’ve been fortunate to have it confirmed by three different technicians at three separate appointments. So … JB is still a girl!
Gestational Diabetes Test – Came by NEGATIVE. YAY!
Due Date – December 23, 2013. Even if she’s late I’m praying for a 2013 baby and not 2014 :)
Wedding Rings – Are still on!
Strangers – have started to acknowledge the pregnancy. Some people look at the belly, then at me and smile while others engage me in conversation. They inquire about the due date and gender or give advise on parenting. Luckily none of these strangers have attempted to touch the belly … yet!
Congestion and Heavy Breathing … OK it’s Snoring – At night I have been experiencing some congestion and snoring. Though I have certainly woken the husband up on numerous occasions to point out (read complain) that he is snoring I don’t think he has ever woken me up. Enter day 173 of pregnancy … at 3am … Husband – “Sweetie you aren’t suppose to sleep on your back and ummm you are snoring.” Me – “Oh sorry.” I turn over and promptly go back to sleep. The next morning I awake to my daily bump email, which couldn’t have been more accurate! I promptly forwarded the email to the hubby while chuckling to myself. Quoted from Baby Bump App daily email:
“Day 173 – Don’t Be Such a Snore… It’s 3:00 AM, and you and your partner are sound asleep. Correction: YOU are sound asleep. Your unfortunate partner is wide awake, listening to you loudly snoring away. He gently wakes you, telling you that you were snoring again, and maybe even plays back some evidence on his cell phone’s voice recorder. Take comfort in the fact that you’re in good company: plenty of pregnant women develop snoring problems, even if they’ve never snored before. It’s caused by extra weight and swollen mucous membranes in your nose, which can lead to more congestion. To help lessen the noise, try wearing a nasal strip to bed. You can also use a warm-mist humidifier in your bedroom, which will moisten your airways and help keep them clear. Soon enough, the two of you can start getting your much-needed rest.”
Jellybean is moving more and more. Every movement is like a little gift and puts a smile on my face. One night she was kicking from 3-4am and I loved every second. Luckily it was a weekend so I could catch up on some zzz’s the next day. :)
Maternity Clothes
Same as the 5th month – 90% maternity clothing with a sprinkle of my old clothes, sweat pants/shirts and the husband’s shirts.
Missing Anything?
Sushi – Specifically a spicy tuna roll. WANT … like it’s going out of style.
Happy Hour – And not really the drinking part, but the social aspect. You might be thinking “you can go to HH when pregnant, just don’t drink”, which of course is true. But honestly, for me, HH just isn’t the same pregnant.
24 week ultrasound – with my little sister.
Making progress on the nursery – We’ve picked out a paint color and purchased a dresser/nightstand.
Looking Forward To…
Meeting our little one!
Finishing the Nursery.
Labor – Yup, still nervous about delivery! And still pretending like it isn’t going to happen.
Sophi – adjusting to life as a big sister. My parents always tell the story of my childhood dog, Shanna, hanging out under the bed for a 2 months after I was born. Apparently she would only come out from under the bed to eat and go to the bathroom. I worry Sophi is either going to become a little monster in protest of no longer being the baby of the family OR she will get depressed. Either way my two babies are already bonding a little bit or so I would like to think! Here is Sophi cuddling with the baby (belly) …
With the 6th month over we have officially entered the third trimester. Seriously, where has the time gone? Just 12 weeks +/- until Jellybean makes her debut … I can’t wait!
Any pregnancy tidbits you care to share? I would love to hear them!
If you enjoyed this post, please add your tidbit by commenting below. Don’t forget you can follow us on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

cutest photo of sophi on your belly!!
Thanks =)
Found you via Skip to my Lou; I have an almost 3 1/2 year old son and a 16 month old daughter and am currently 21 1/2 weeks pregnant. :) I thought it was so funny when you said that your baby is STILL a girl, because I had the same thoughts when I was pregnant the second time. I had heard so many of “those” stories and would have been totally excited about another boy, but just wanted to be prepared, I like to know what to expect, you know? So the first thing I said when she popped out was, “you ARE a girl!” Ha! :)
Congrats on your 3rd little one! Thanks for stopping by :)
Great post. I found you through the Parenting Pin It Party.
I am eternally broody but I fear I have to tell you that the snoring may continue long after your pregnancy :-)
Oh NO! My poor husband …. I guess sleeping through this snoring is good practice then. Hahaha :)
Fantastic news on the diabetic test coming back negative!! i cant wait to read next weeks post
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x
This is one of my favorite blogs you’ve done! I like the part you said about snoring! The only thing that would have made it better was giving me credit for that picture I took!!! Haha JUST kidding! Loved the shout out for when I came to the doctors with you! Love the new sports shirt! Soooo awesome! Love ya
So sweet! Sounds like a great pregnancy!
Such a cute post….lets see tidbits I can give…(I have 3 all grown up and moved out, so I’m trying to remember…lol) Ah! Pillows Pillows Pillows…..One large firm on for between your knees to sleep. I used to have to sleep on my side to keep the indigestion down and the blood flowing to my feet! a firm pillow really helped.
Oh and one more…This worked for al 3 of my kids….The more “awake” a baby is……the more they will eat when hungry. At night I used to have a 45 minute baby bathing ritual…and sometimes they’d cry a bit, but I’d lotion them, massage them, put the powder on…take my time. They would pig out and sleep for 4 hours the first time….within a couple of weeks, they’d sleep longer. By 4 months old….they usually slept anywhere between 5 to 8 hours and wake when they’d get hungry again…
Good luck!
I am not even pregnant and I understand the sushi cravings. If I could eat it everyday – I would. I love reading these posts! Keep em’ coming!
Thank you for sharing!
~ Ashley